May 25th...fell asleep in his jumper!

Both of Thatcher's doctor's appointments went well last week. Nothig much to report from the pediatrician. She didn't even recognize Thatch in the waiting room. He is in the 10th percentile and still catching up (we're excited he is back on the chart!). She was pleased with his growth and that his height and weight are proportional. There are no developmental issues indicating a need for physical therapy. He is not even behind on his shots but cannot get live viruses like the MMR and chickenpox.
Today...loves to pull up on everything

I was somewhat excited for Thatcher's first liver clinic back at Vandy. I wanted to show off how good he looked and was anxious to get his lab results. We are still under Pittsburgh's care until they officially hand us over to Vanderbilt so we communicate with both facilities while we are in transition. I feel confident in our care here at home but it still felt strange going in on this side of transplant. Everyone welcomed us back and thought he looked great.
Labs are no fun, but they got it in 1 stick. He is continuing to grow and his liver labs came back good...wonderful news! There were medicine adjustments and we are continuing to monitor his blood pressure, which is also staying where it needs to be.
For the first time, it feels like we are incorporating Thatcher's transplant into our lives and not the other way around - a first step in the right direction I think. We will continue our daily routines with medicine at 7:30 am and pm and have reason to believe we will be in the hospital much less than before transplant. We will continue getting weekly labs for a while but may not have to see the doctor every time.
Thatch's new trick..."the claw"
Thatcher and Amelia both continue to be a joy and seem to really love one another (they both have their moments :)). We are taking 1 day at a time trying to balance "normal" life and transplant. At times, it is easy to forget Thatcher's condition but it is so important to remember his daily care and do our best to wash our hands and keep him well.
He looks so happy and healthy! So glad he is doing so well. I know you are enjoying getting back to boring home life! It sounds like you all are doing just great :)